A Power 100 Leaderboard is a content marketing approach to engage a niche community by showing how they rank against each other in terms of online influence. This brings them to your content channel and gets them talking about you - this approach works whether that's a Twitter feed, Facebook Page, Website or Email newsletter.

Traditionally, Power 100's take a long time to generate:  you have to pull together a list of particpants, photos for every participant, a bio for each, decide who is in and who is out, and come up with a way to rank them.

With rise.global creating and publishing a Power 100 list is now much more straightforward.

Rise does the hard work of collating photos, names and bios into a publishable list. Rise then provides a way for you to collect Kred Scores so that you can provide a measure of social influence for every user on Twitter and rank them accordingly. Since Kred updates the score to take account of recent social activity, you can use Kred scores to create an interesting weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual ranking of Twitter users in your space.

Adam Rogers publishes a power 100 of UN influencers on Rise

Step by Step guide

Step 1

If you haven't already, you'll need to Sign Up to rise.global. Edit your profile and connect your Twitter account. Unless you're publishing the leaderboard as yourself, you'll want to connect your organisation Twitter account so that tweets are sent out from your organisation. 

Now you can go to New Scorebook and  create a Kred Leaderboard on your Rise account.

Step 2

Create a list of key people or organisations in your sector using Twitter and upload your list to Rise.  There are three ways you can upload your list: as a Twitter List, as a spreadsheet or manual entry one by one.  

Step 3

Collect a Kred influence score for each person. To collect a fresh set of Kred scores go to Settings -> Data Collectors and click "Poll" for the Kred Data Collector. After a few minutes it will return having collected a Kred Influence and Outreach score for each of your participants.

Step 4

Generate a ranking. Each week's ranking is known as a "bulletin". This comes from the original phrase "statistical bulletin" - it's a fixed report that you are publishing each week. Go to Bulletins and click on New Bulletin - if this is the first time you're doing it, you'll want to choose "previous week" for the score period. After that you can just use "Next Bulletin Period".

Step 5

Customise the look of your power 100 list. You can customise the look of your power 100 list - there are a couple of themes to choose from (Settings -> Display -> Themes). Once you've chosen your theme you can upload an Icon and Logo (Settings -> Display -> Icon and Logo). Finally you can change the descriptive text that appears (Theme -> Display -> Description).

Step 6

Share the leaderboard. This is the fun part! Start by Tweeting about the leaderboard - sharing a link. Mention a few of the people and their rank - before you know it you'll be the talk of the town!

Step 7

After the free 14 day trial your leaderboard will need a paid subscription. Rise charges based on the number of current "included" users on the list. You'll need a Bronze plan to keep it going.

SustMeme's Building Services Top 500 uses the Tabular theme

Going further

You might like to go further by, for example:

- embedding the Power List on your website. (Share -> Website -> Embed). (see below)

- sharing a Top 10 image on Twitter (Share -> Images)

- inviting your participants to sign up via email to get a weekly email notification. (Share -> Email)

Planet Compliance embedded their Power 100 list (Top 5) on their website

Adam Rogers used  Image generation to feature the top 10 in his tweets