Rise scorebooks have privacy settings as follows:

Overall privacy

The options are:

  • Public - these are publicly available on the web and can be found via search engines
  • Unlisted - these are not available via search engines and can only be found if you have the private link. If you have the private link you can see the scorebook without loggin in. If you are a player on this scorebook then it will appear in your list of scorecards when you log in to Rise.
  • Private - these are only available to administrators and players who have logged in to Rise. You can also assign additional viewers who would also need to log in to Rise before seeing the scorebook.
  • Stealth Unlisted - like Unlisted only players will not see this scorebook in their list of scorecards
  • Stealth - this scorebook will only be visible to you and and other administrators you specifically invite.

Page level privacy

Overall privacy takes prioirty over page level privacy.

The different scorebook pages also have privacy controls. In descending order of 

  • Main Leaderboard - can be visible to administrators, administrators and players, administrators, players and followers or everyone with access to the scorebook.

  • Player Scorecards - can be visible to administrators, administrators and players, administrators, players and followers or everyone with access to the scorebook.

  • Bulletins History - can be visible to administrators, administrators and players, administrators, players and followers or everyone with access to the scorebook.

One popular way to use privacy settings is to make the leaderboard only available to company management while allowing individual players to see their personal scorecards. This allows you to run a weekly scorecard which has no competitive element.  To do this you would set your scorebook privacy to Private, register your Players via their email addresses (Player Unique Identifier) and set main leaderboard to be only visible to administrators.