Please note this functionality is now deprecated and will not be available to new scorebooks.

Publish a tweet mentioning each individual player on your scorebook

Configure who you want to send out twitter player notifications to via Scorebook Settings / Twitter

For sending out tweets to the users on your scorebook, you can use a mail-merge type process to customise messages to:

1. Top x users (ordered by the rank on the latest bulletin)

2. Top x climbers (the users who have moved up the greatest number of rank places

3. Top x fallers (the users who have moved down the greatest number of rank places

4. Top newcomers to the scorebook

Automating small changes in copy for each user

For each section of User Tweet Outs (i.e. Top X, Top X Climbers, Top X Newcomers), you can vary the text slightly for each user by creating a custom merge field.  This minimises the possibility of Twitter considering your tweet-out to be spammy.

Go to Scorecard Settings -> Score Entries -> Custom Fields:
  • Click on Add Text
  • Create a Key (which will be the name of your custom field)
  • Add text separated by a semi-colon and a space e.g. abc; def; ghi - note the space after the semi-colon - these will the values that will be rotated randomly in your Tweet out message
  • In the user tweet out messages, use the custom field in the appropriate place and then your copy will be slightly different for each user, randomly.

Anti-spamming advice

Please note that in line with the principles of Twitter's automation policies (look at Section B, point 2) around @replies we don't let you configure Rise to automatically send out tweets without your involvement in the process - that's why you need to preview what you send before you click send. You are always responsible for the content and volume of your tweet outs.