What it does:
These collectors brings in score entries from a Rise scorebook which can be any Rise scorebook owned by yourself, including the scorebook you're currently creating this collector for.
The 3 different collectors generate these data entries:
1. Difference between data entries in 2 different metrics related by a common identifier, either on your existing scorecard or on another scorecard owned by you. A use case for this collector is if you were storing a start time and and end time for a particular event (identified by a unique id that would be "stamped" on the start and end times), and you wanted to store the time difference.
2. From existing raw score entries in the current or another scorebook. A use case for this collector is if had 2 scorecards (call these "child" scorecards) with distinct users on each scorecard and you wanted to create a 3rd scorecard (call this the "parent" scorecard) that combined both sets of users. You would pull data from the two child scorecards into the parent scorecard. Another use case is when you wish to calculate the difference in the score of one metric from this week's score and last week's score.

1. Difference between data entries in 2 different metrics related by a common identifier, either on your existing scorecard or on another scorecard owned by you. A use case for this collector is if you were storing a start time and and end time for a particular event (identified by a unique id that would be "stamped" on the start and end times), and you wanted to store the time difference.
2. From existing raw score entries in the current or another scorebook. A use case for this collector is if had 2 scorecards (call these "child" scorecards) with distinct users on each scorecard and you wanted to create a 3rd scorecard (call this the "parent" scorecard) that combined both sets of users. You would pull data from the two child scorecards into the parent scorecard. Another use case is when you wish to calculate the difference in the score of one metric from this week's score and last week's score.
3. From scorebook bulletin data in the current or another scorecard. A use case is if you want to use the previous week's total score values in this week's score calculations.
The ScoreBook you wish to bring in data from should be owned yourself.