What it does:

For every user on the scorecard, the Kred score collector collects the user's Kred Influence and Outreach scores. Kred Influence scores are a number between 1-1000 and Kred Outreach scores are a number between 0 - 12.


To enable this, you must connect (Oauth) your rise.global scorebook owner account to your Twitter account and each user must also have a valid Twitter profile recorded against their rise.global profile.

Data Entries Generated:
Score entry values of the user's Kred Influence and Outreach scores are recorded, time recorded to the time of the API call, score entry description is set to show the user's Kred Influence and Outreach scores e.g. {@xxxx} has a kredinfluence score of 734 and {@xxxx} has a kredoutreach score of 6