There are 4 different Twitter Data Collectors called:

  1. Followers/Following
  2. Follows Scorebook Owner
  3. List Membership
  4. Tweet Tracker

For each of these twitter collectors, there are some common requirements:


You must connect (Oauth) your scorecard owner account to your Twitter account. Also, each user's Twitter credentials (their Twitter handle e.g. @twitter) needs to be recorded against their profile.

1. Followers/Following

What it does:

This collector collects, for each user on your scorecard, their # of followers and the # they are following on Twitter.  Using this collector, you could create a scorecard that could look like this:

APIs used:

Data Entries Generated:
For the Twitter Followers metric, the data entry value = the user's # of twitter followers at the time of the API call.  This time is recorded as the Data entry time and the data entry description is set as "{user's twitter handle}-twitter-followers"

For the Twitter Following metric, the score entry value = the # of twitter accounts the user is following at the time of the API call. This time is recorded as the score entry time and the score entry description is set as "{user's twitter handle}-twitter-following"

2. Follows scorebook owner ("Friendships")

What it does:

It shows which of the users on your scorebook follow you on Twitter.  The resulting scorebook could look like this:

APIs used:

Data Entries Generated:
For each user on  your scorecard, the score entry value = 1 if that user follows you on Twitter or 0 otherwise. The score entry time is recorded as the time the collector runs and the score entry description is one of these: following,followed_by OR followed_by OR following OR none.

3. List membership

What it does:

It shows which of your users are members of a particular Twitter List

APIs used:

This score collector uses this Twitter API endpoint to retrieve this data:

Data Entries Generated:
For each user on your scorecard, the score entry value = 1 if that user is a member of the Twitter List you've specified or 0 otherwise. The score entry time is recorded as the time the collector runs and the score entry description is one of these:

4. Tweet Tracker

What it does:

For each user on the scorebook, it counts:
# of tweets i.e. posts on Twitter by the user (with or without a particular keyword(s)/hashtag(s))
# of mentions i.e. posts on Twitter by other people mentioning the user ( (with or without a particular keyword(s)/hashtag(s)). Retweets of the user will be counted here too. Replies by the user to another person's tweets (with or without a particular keyword(s)/hashtag(s) ) will be counted.
# of retweets i.e. posts on Twitter by the user (with or without a particular keyword(s)/hashtag(s) that have been retweeted by other people

The resultant scorebook could look like this:

APIs used:

Data Entries Generated:
For each tweet, mention or retweet captured, the data entry value = 1. The data entry time is recorded as the actual time of the tweets, mentions or retweets.  The data entry description for a tweet is the actual post by the user.  The data entry description for a mention shows the tweet that includes the user. The data entry description for a retweet is the original tweet by the user together with a note on who has retweeted that post.  All these have links that take you to the original content on Twitter.